Vandy DB coach Dan Jackson is under university investigation for stating on Facebook that Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, "is two steps ahead of everyone else." Jackson has now taken at least two steps back from his coaching job. Vanderbilt assistant sidelined over pro-Ye post
I think that terming his statements merely stupid is a bit euphemistic. History tells us this is dangerous. People get killed, in big numbers.
What’s the deal with all the black anti-Semitisn lately? I’d heard of the black Israelites for years, is that “movement” recently growing or are all these people supporting “Ye” just really really dumb and not knowing what they are backing? I don’t get it. Given how dumb the average American is, I’m going with the later and this is yet another product of social media derangement.
I find it funny that he is being reviewed by the Equal Opportunity and Access office. Something that is not being applied to his Facebook post. I guess it's only equal if it falls in line
I don’t think there’s anything “lately” about it. I remember the stuff that Louis Farrakhan used to say in the early 90s, such as straight up calling Jewish people blood suckers and not walking back the comments.
True but that was a long time ago. This feels like something new, and not derived from Farrakhan. Could be wrong. It just feels like it's more derived from the Trump vein
Yes I know these crazies existed, I just meant lately seems there is exponentially more of it. How many of these people are black Israelites vs. how many are speaking out of ignorance. Obviously Kanye is responsible for the recent chatter.
Yeah, I think you saw some of that at least a decade ago. I'm not sure the origin but I imagine that's been addressed online somewhere. Meanwhile, Dan Jackson:
I have to say I really don’t know the context or intent by saying ye is two steps ahead of everybody else. I’m not sure uttering those words in themselves should be grounds for dismissal.
Obviously the context was deemed worthy of suspension and investigation. Though I suppose it's conceivable that the context was Ye being ahead of everyone else at dancing the two-step.
No, I’m saying it seems FAR more widespread after Kanye’s and Irving’s BS. I wrongly assumed this was a black Israelite since I’d seen so much of that defending Kanye…but either way, seems to be anti-Semitic (otherwise what the hell is this guy talking about?). Obviously we had those crazed neo-Nazi’s in FL trying to take advantage of the situation. I just mean in terms of overall chatter, and people you wouldn’t necessarily expect to have anti-Semitic views (such as random Vanderbilt football assistant).
I think Social media magnifies what sentiments are out there. People I know aren’t racist or anti-semitic but the social media megaphone is loud for the asshats.
No, whats the point? Also didn’t miss Dear Leaders comments regarding US Jews. Actually he’s a friend of Ye.