Auburn is a bad job all around. Not sure there’s a coach out there ready for it. I think he could do very well at a Mississippi State or Virginia Tech type school who doesn’t think too highly of themselves and have no admission standards.
Then you may have heard this story. Bernie Epstein was the clock operator vs ? at Phillips Field. The TU coach was Chelo Huerta. With time running out, TU was moving the ball to the goal with a chance at winning. The clock back then was a simple round device with a hand on it in the endzone, not digital like today. Huerta turned to the clock operator, Epstein and asked "How much time is left?" Epstein replied "How much you need?" In another game, vs Maine, the TU had a big RB running all over Maine. At the half the opposing coach ran over to Chelo Huerta and yelled, "That # 35 is really (insert name), he played for me years ago then was in CFL, what the hell is he doing on your team?" Tampa U would easily draw 20-25,000 in Tampa Stadium (YB 1967) vs some small college. Usf cant draw that vs conference opponents in Ray Jay 50 years later.
Hahaha, awesome! Thanks for sharing. My dad played for Coach Huerta! I’m definitely going to share these stories with him at Thanksgiving
I really don't care one way or the other about adding him this year, because the season is over in just over 2 weeks. But wow we should get him as our OC. He did a good job at Clemson and I bet he would do a good job here.
An I’ve asked many times just show me an example of it happening and nobody has. I could be wrong, but apparently an example proving me wrong doesn’t exist
See, here is the thing, I asked YOU why he can't be hired mid year. I'm not doing the research. I asked you for the basis of your contention and you haven't provided it. Aside from what has more developed into "wellI've never seen it ". As a practical matter it may not happen often because most of these guys are getting buyouts and probably want a breather but that doesn't mean that it can't.
This obviously isn't going to solve your problem (conundrum? I can't think of a better term), but I would use two aspects. The first is when a player is signed for the future and not for immediate playing. You lose one of your scholarships (85 max) but it is strategic. Nothing wrong with it at all. The other is what is mainly about your take: you don't sign them (coaches or even future players) in the middle of the season because they really can't help you and you are too busy trying to win games to play personnel manager. But again, if you are thinking of the future and not the present - and you have the resources - you CAN pull the trigger. So you sign him as an analyst with the recognition that he can be somewhat helpful in a few places but his value is in the future. Being an analyst now does not seem to be a better track to being an OC next year, but that is just me. You got the money to stash a friend on the payroll? Did this help, or just muddy the water?
I do recall it happening… I am not going to take time to try to look it up… Situation I seem to remember is much different. An unemployed coach not one that was fired that season was brought in midseason. I am thinking it was Jim Leavett and KState.