Hate uga, but give those flea bags credit, they take great pride in keeping teams out of the end zone.
Danielson already pimping the LegHumpers to be "penciled in" to the play-offs no matter what happens in the SECCG. SMH!
Not a big fan of Danielson recently... but he said it best, been a week of tenn no longer be the hunter. Or underdog. Probably took the rat poison this week. I'd be enjoying this more if they were playing anyone but uga Watching uga play press coverage & not blowing coverage assignments. Brings back memories of us doing the exact same.
No problem. I just think conference championships should mean something. Penciling them in means a conference champion is likely left out.
Number one offense in the country? Georgia completely exposed them. It takes a complete team to win trophies in the SEC
There's a portion of our fanbase that may not be able to handle BN's O scoring more than that offensive savant at UT. LOL. I kid, I kid...