Long has always been a douche, but fireable? We are too quick in this country to tar and feather people for dumb shit they say. Let him explain himself to the AD and Coach. I mean considering UF’s revolving door at the position, is he wrong?
That's one way to look at it. But Long comes across as an entitled prick that thinks he's owed all the facts when he asks for them, and when Napier gives him his answer... Long blubbers like a little girl. Having said that, I don't think Long crossed any line, nor does he deserve to be fired over his rant.
Seems the other reporters were, kind of, thanking Long for being “the bad guy” and asking about the Cox situation. Long responds he understands others there have a relationship with Napier that they wish to preserve, if possible. The “IDGAF” part starts after that. He clearly doesn’t care about the relationship. But, should he have to in order to do his job? Long asked a question. Napier gave his answer. Long didn’t like the answer and pressed the issue. Napier showed he was going to stand firm on the answer he’d already given. Nothing wrong here imo. Long is just a jerk
Napier's Mondays PC are becoming shorter and shorter i guess that when someone has nothing to say why keep it longer than needs to.