Buy out not in @gatormonk's article. Thamel added that the annual salary will make Freeze one of the highest-paid Group of 5 coaches. I respect Freeze for staying loyal to the school that gave him a second chance at coaching.
If Hugh is smart, he’ll coast at Liberty for 8 or 10yrs, then ride off to the beach loaded. He would be foolish to make the jump to a pressure cooker now, imho. At this rate, I don’t know why more coaches don’t go this route, but I do know why.. Hugh says to $5mil per.
Unfortunately, yes. Being "Christian" isn't what it used to be. Liberty Mountain Snowflex Centre | Campus Recreation | Liberty University
Yea, why would you go to Auburn where you got both arms tied behind your back and the board of trustees taking turns kicking you in the nads?