If you have a windows PC and you look at the bottom left (Windows 11, right side near the Time/Date/Volume on Windows 10) for the weather taskbar widgit you will be greeted with wonderful(ly) terrible news daily. Its no wonder everyone thinks the worst of every situation. Nothing is truly as bad as it seems unless the media is pushing an agenda. From Microsoft telling you about people dying and crashing all the time to your favorite news complaining and showing you negative news about the other side and around the world for fear mongering. This needs to stop somehow. People need to stop watching and stop clicking these links. They are feeding the population this crap. Is there no market for good news?
I think there is or was a couple of podcasts that did good news but I have no idea if they are still around.
Well I dont literally mean a good news network but I think you're talking about the podcast Jim (from The Office) started? Its just that we are fed nothing but bad news constantly nowadays. People think we are worse off for a lot of things but statistically we are better now than in the past but everyone has access to the news and the news they feed us its all bad.
TASKKILL /IM explorer.exe /F Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Feeds" -Name "ShellFeedsTaskbarViewMode" -Type DWord -Value 2 Start-Process explorer.exe
Haha awesome post. Tell me you're a sys admin without telling me you're a sys admin I can disable it no problem but its still a problem that all they are doing is forcing bad news down our throats constantly.
LOL I was thinking OMG it's 50 with a freeze warning?!! But seriously, bad news sells. People like seeing someone else in turmoil, it makes their problems small. I have a Mac, I don't see this thankfully.
They promote what we click. Its that simple. People click those stories more than they click happy stories. Mom of 3 has 4th baby. Zero clicks. Mom of 3 dies while pregnant with 4 baby. Eleventy billion clicks.
Microsoft probably uses an algorithm but the complaint that bad news is emphasized is nothing new. I recall the same complaint regarding television news as far back as the '60s and there were probably similar complaints about the print news media going back even further. Note: Out of curiosity, I just did a Google search on the emphasis of bad news on television. The search returned 46,300,000 hits. Even assuming a number were either off-topic or redundant, it's still a topic that's been around for a very long time.