Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by GatorGrowl, Oct 5, 2022.
Enough of this silly ass motion window dressing . Line up and run the play !!
That is fine, except Venable's resume is more like Mus-take than Meyer.
In his defense, MJ is pretty good too but I agree…ETN looks special
Every carry that Johnson gets takes one away from Wright or ETN.
At least. Probably at least 10 yds before he's even touched.
Thought Venables was the second coming
False start out of the timeout. We should have taken the delay of game and saved the TO...
I’m impressed that’s our first penalty. Wow.
well - this is setting up for a puckered ending
The nonsense that gets posted in this thread...
First penalty. Bad timing
We just cannot get out of our own way
A bit disorganized here
Bad time to get a penalty. Need a chunk play for Gators
That’s what we heard…
And every carry that...
There’s that penalty