Is Kitna not on scholarship? Playing AR without running is going nowhere. Additionally he could further injure his ankle. Play Kitna and let AR get a break. Or, risk having a gimpy and ineffective AR the rest of the year.
Good to see our entitled fans are so patient. Got everything they wanted. New coach, AR at QB. Still not good enough?
Saban would not have called a timeout there. He would have lit up the defense on national TV if they got penalized for that.
Simply, it is a two-headed attempt. The first is to give AR a signal that he is NOT The Man and CAN be benched. And you hope that it pisses him off. The other is Kitna passing well enough to change the defense's playing and then the running game works well. You lose if you keep AR in and he is still ineffective. You lose if Kitna isn't the answer because his passing isn't good enough to win the game. Question, what is the difference to you?
This team has become a project for Napier. He needs to recruit at QB, defense, and most importantly on the offensive line which has been powerless in the running game almost all year.
Nobody cares what hypothetical Saban or hypothetical Spurrier or hypothetical anyone else would have done.
Or how about we play strength on strength and let MJ find four yards in the zones until they sell out and PA actually means something.