Many middle classes have class readings where they read the book out loud and discuss the passages they have read.
There you go again! So ambitious in the art of denigration but even more superior at lacking intelligence. Reading comprehension is of major concern also. Its not just good i lived in all those places...its fantastic! On a scale of 1-10 i give my life a 9 1/2 because it has not been limited by geography but has been made great by opportunity and the greatest of experiences. Sans the first 3 months since March 2020 I have happily seen great successes! Now put your head back on your Trump pillow and rest easy! All is very well!
It is not just about school libraries. Public libraries are seeing an unprecedented number of challenges to books. Also numerous right wing communities are looking to cut public library funding. The dumbing of America.
Lol, ok Mr angry, I hope you continue with your good luck. I will rely on my business smarts since I know it's not anything to do with luck
Please note that I never said I was all for banning books. I can understand why some books are not in some schools or allowed to be taught to certain age children. I have the ability to remedy that if I want. ( For my family). I have never advocated for books to be banned in a public library and never will. I did not agreed with Huckleberry Finn being removed from library shelves. I disagree with Hank Aaron’s book being removed ( and Roberto Clemente’s). There have been groups pushing to remove books for decades. There always will be.
Take your children to the library if there are books you think they need to read. Be a good parent and stop expecting teachers to do everything for you. Pretty damn simple.
The reason good teachers are cautious is BECAUSE of the whackos like Moms for Liberty. My colleagues that teach upper level English classes are angry because they can’t teach these books as they need to be taught. They want to challenge students to think and understand beyond themselves. Unfortunately, a lot of folks are against independent thinking these days. Too bad.
like I said, Go to the damn library if it’s that important to read a certain book. Quit bitching and whining about it.
Nope, stop caving in to authoritarian bullshit. If YOU don’t want YOUR child to read a book, then deal with your own child. Tell the school that you don’t want YOUR child to check out certain books. Leave everyone else alone, ya know “freedom”
They are pushing to have the same books banned from public libraries. Also what does a school library have to do with what a teacher is teaching?
Did you attend K-12? I did. Teachers did not accompany me to the school library when I checked out a book.
Or you can just go to the library and check out all the books you want your kids to read. That’s what a real parent will do rather than whine and complain about it. Sorry some parents don’t want people like you teaching them about social issues from a left leaning thought process. Do you think it’s ok for a book to have the N word in it and be used in a book report. Have a kid read the word to his teacher and classmates? I’m talking about elementary age kids. Are any books in your world not appropriate for elementary age kids?
You continue to fail to distinguish between a library and a classroom. Also, kids should be given the opportunity to succeed regardless of how crappy their parents are.
I’m 100% against banning book at the local library. Apparently it does since some teachers are going bonkers over some book bans. A parent has control over what their kids can check out at the local library whereas there may not be that control at the school library. Don’t you think parents should have control over what their kids read at an early age?
I don’t understand your point. Are you suggesting that parents need to accompany their kids to libraries?
Yes parents should have some control but that isn't the issue. A Jewish parent cannot stop their child from checking out a book from the school library about Santa Claus. The person that has control is the librarian. A parent should have the ability to opt out their kids from using a school library. Don't punish the entire school. Also, this parental choice issue is not just for little kids it goes all the way through 12th grade. There are some great books that M4L is offended by so they are choosing to hurt the entire population
Yes, I think that children should learn what Hank Aaron had to go through. You evidently haven’t been in a classroom in about a thousand years, kids aren’t reading aloud from Hank Aaron’s book during circle time. This is just the sort of thing that snowflakey right wing parents are afraid of.