You are really one sided about this . Lots of pent up anger from both sides . It’s not all Republicans fault as it’s not Democrats fault. Anger dude , lots of anger . The progressive left is off their rocker with its agenda, and Maga is definitely showing a lot of hatred . Both sides suck
I applaud, really, your attempt at fairness, and I was well known in my private life for getting warring parties to find common ground. I see no common ground here, and I think you’re wayyyyyy off base comparing the left with the MAGA right. One’s about policy, the other is about overturning an election and gaining total power. I’m surprised you don’t/can’t/refuse to see that.
Didn’t want to start a thread on it so I’ll put it here. Trump has lost connection with reality. They are worshiping a nut. Trump doesn’t know he’s not in the White House anymore. Say zuck just visited him there. By the way if you want a gold Trump coin…
The "progressive" left is about ramming its destructive agenda down everyone's throats NOW. You are incapable of viewing it objectively. There are nutjobs on both sides that are best ignored for the common good of all. Unfortunately, the nutjobs on the left have control of nearly all social and mainstream media and education and workplace cultures, so we have to listen to your bullshit all the time. In fact, your constant ranting and raving about the dire necessity of baby killing, sexualizing children who should just enjoy being kids while they can, cutting white men out of society, and calling everyone who disagrees with your scorched Earth missives "a danger to our democracy" has made it rather difficult to believe anything you want is good for us.
The country should be divided from the election denying liars who would have stolen the election and who remain options in ballots. There is no place for those who objectively subvert democracy.
On issues, I’m moderate and willing to compromise. I suspect you are too. BTW, you didn’t appear extreme to me.
The point I was trying to make earlier that I think Biden should have chosen a different name than MAGA for the object of his ire was made by psychologist Leon Festinger back in the 1950s as he developed the concept of cognitive dissonance. He studied a cult that believed a UFO was going to take all believers away for a rapture or sorts on a particular date. When this didn’t happen, he found that surprisingly few of them changed their beliefs, and the ridicule of outsiders actually seemed to strengthen some of their beliefs. As he put it: “through the mocking and scoffing of nonbelievers there is usually established a heavy commitment on the part of believers . . . the jeering of nonbelievers simply makes it far more difficult for the adherents to withdraw from the movement and admit that they were wrong.” There is the risk, pushing these people further into their stance. Perhaps one still believes Trump supporters don’t deserve anything but mocking regardless of whether it strengthens their belief, but at that point it would seem ironic to accuse the MAGA folk of only “owning the libs”, when this approach seems accurately described as “owning the cons”.
I am not saying that you are completely out of your mind. I am not saying that. I might be thinking that, but I am not saying it.
Differing on agendas is okay, it is part of the compromise solution that gets us to reasonable rules. Belittling, insulting, and intimidation thru violence is not okay. Only MAGA is doing the latter.
Thank you ! I think both the Republicans and Democrats are not what they were . Some members , not all have gone extreme. We both can throw out examples. But Years back both parties were able to at least listen to each other. It seems now that it’s a war when they are trying to get things done. And it’s heartbreaking to see this country on the path that it has chosen to take. Maybe he’ll get back but I think something bad is going to happen before it does. The issue on January 6. Did not help a bit. As a Republican I must admit that was not the look that I want this country to go to. Anyway great win last night that’s enjoy the day.
The extremist Democrats want free education from pre-school - junior college. The extremist Republicans, which seems to be about 70% of them, want an authoritarian government. Slight difference.
corporate and foreign interests..can't leave out the amount of capital that Russia has invested in media