Have we found something that most on this board can agree on? Left or right of the political spectrum it appears a majority are dead set against student loan bailouts.
No I’m not either but it kills the momentum of accomplishing some broad based things that help the middle class. This will suck the oxygen away from all of that and Republican ongoing idiocy and will piss off many of the voters he needs. It also feeds into the inflation narrative that working class are getting killed with higher costs and the democratic base getting freebies. One only has to look at this thread as evidence.
Sorry for the delayed response. When I read your post I fainted and hit my head. The doctor just cleared me to text and post. I never thought I would say this but I agree with you completely.
Disagree. I’m a millennial, likely had more student debt than the vast majority of the people who this policy will ever apply to, and paid it off early. I’m not interested in now paying off someone else’s too because of a combination of them having ignored their debt while shouting “woe is me” and an unpopular president who thinks waving a magical free money wand might buy some votes.
That's what I don't understand. Businesses get bailed out all of the time. As soon as a recession hits BOOM money goes out to them. When there isn't a recession they get a nice tax cut. The little man gets a crumb and now everyone is upset
You're cool with paying the 4 trillion dollar corporate bailout thought right? With some of those loans going to Jared Kushner, Kanye, and other multi million and billion dollar corporations right? All with the Orange Man thinking signing his name at the bottom of those checks would buy him some votes...
Well that was awful too. I don’t understand the philosophy that since we needlessly bailed out A then we must needlessly bail out B.
Shame on the government for bailing out those banks back in 2008 for predatory lending and scamming the middle class with junk bonds.
Since 2010 there hasn’t been a guaranteed private loan issued. One of the things Democrats rolled into the ACA reconciliation bill to create governmental savings was moving all government-backed loans to direct lending rather than guaranteed lending. So if they made them dischargeable through bankruptcy, the “lender” who gets screwed is … the federal government.
That’s a loan program that was created by Congress with provisions - from the outset - for forgiveness. For better or worse, that’s a notably different situation than taking out a student loan with the express understanding and agreement that you have to pay it back, then wanting the government to wave a magic wand and say “no you don’t.”
Predatory student loan lending as well as interest rates still happen. Navient settles predatory student loan claims for $1.85B