They even live longer and enjoy better health than Americans (and more women and children survive pregnancy). As I've long said, we're simply the richest third world country on earth. You think all the wealth and power is enforcing social mobility? Haha. Its enforcing a nation built on cheap and exploited labor.
Guys like you are too idealistic for me. What you call ignorant, I call realistic. Life ain’t fair bud. It never will be. This nation is awesome. I choose to see all the rags to riches stories and you choose to ignore them. The prism you see America through seems distorted at best.
Some people choose to eat McDonalds and call it a gourmet meal or think rap was perfected by 2 Live Crew. That seems distorted to me, but reality can be tough to face. Some people have to call bad things good to fool themselves.
I've certainly always thought that. But if you look at social mobility rankings, we're nowhere near No. 1. We're 27th. Ranked: The Social Mobility of 82 Countries
You’re fooled into thinking you can be Plato and create some perfect republic. Ha. You cannot and neither can anyone. Keep dreaming and poking holes. It’s easy to poke holes….take a lap.
All the top 10 countries are all White. All have a culture and ethnicity that is uniform. That is easy to do when you are not fighting a melting pot of ideas and history like the US. I dont know who put that list together but it is a little 2 dimensional and idealistic. They also mention Germany as the best in the G7, a country that has a history that was probably the most racist and evil group in human history. Top it all off we are pretty much there piggy bank for the last 70 years as we keep them from Soviet rule and provide economic and military support.
If you've read Plato's Republic and said "man that sounds too perfect" that explains a lot about you.
So America is too racist to have social mobility? Welcome to the afro-pessimist left! Or the white nationalist right!
That’s great. Do you believe there are apples to apples in nations like ours? Those charts take into account how different we are? I mean economists can’t ever get it right….we’re all guessing at some point. Countries ability to move a poor person to the middle class is very complex. Unless you’ve got the answers….?
No, what im saying is they are just as bad if not worse. See the latest NATO negotiations with Turkey. If they had large minority populations they would have the same issue. The same issue occurred in Australia. They shipped their slaves back to Africa and their indigenous population is very similar to the American Indians (Alcoholics and poor). This isnt a US problem, its a human problem.
If it is so bad here, don't let the door hit you on your way out!! Talk a big game, how about a little action?
I interact with people of all genders and races that go to good schools, have good jobs, live in nice homes, etc. and generally are grateful for the lives they lead, so I have a hard time believing it is simply "the system" that is broken. At what point does the individual take responsibility for the decisions they make, and not simply blame everything on some subjective level of inequality or victimization. We do have room for improvement, just like all countries, but this idea that "social mobility" is hindered in the US and soley the result on an unfair system, is a tired argument. The GSMI can rank countries however they see fit. I still think we have the best system, warts and all.
I mean you are basically saying that non-white people are either not good at social mobility when given the opportunity or that white people will deny or resist equality for non-white people. That's a pretty racially deterministic outlook.
Evil ideologies always present themselves as something really righteous, and there is always a pressure to follow the evil ideology lest you be one of the unrighteous ones who don't follow the evil ideology. Evil rarely comes dressed up like the grim reaper with horns and a pentagram branded on it. Often times evil presents itself as an angel of light. The first Marxist revolution was branded under the phrase "Peace, bread, land." How could you possibly be opposed to peace, bread, and land for poor peasants? It is this naive charity towards a wolf in sheep's clothing that Marxists have preyed upon in the past.
How about you send me a nice nest egg to get started? Tutor me on a language skills or hook me up with a foreign passport? Or are you just talking a big game with little action?
BUD, you are so clueless, generally and specifically about what I meant. I don’t block you, but I don’t have to further engage with you.