For the Bullet Train premiere. I note this not to celebrate or decry, just to observe. Some form of gender bending, however light or heavy, is now de riguer in pop culture, or soon will be. Culture Warriors who try to quash it through legislation or reactionary violence are just fighting a rear guard action against cultural change. It will ebb and flow as a symbol like anything else, hair styles, etc. But it’s not viewed as a sign of special deviance to the next generation. As a 60 yo, it feels as odd to me as it does to most of my demographic. But guys like me don’t set cultural trends, or even ride them, without looking stupid. I’ve no more intent to get a skirt than I do a tattoo, a more recent generational cultural trend. But fighting it for others is stupid and mean, and just does harm to yourself and others.
What is the Difference Between a Kilt and a Skirt? Related to Gaelic and Scottish culture, the kilt is a type of knee-length non-bifurcated skirt with pleats at the back. Kilts are specifically made from a twill woven worsted wool and plaid fleece. However, these qualities can also be found in many skirts. Frankly, there is not much of a contrast between the kilt and the skirt in terms of appearance. But, it is good to keep in mind that the kilt is entirely knee-length while a skirt may be as short as the above knee, or a more modest one which is slightly lower than the knee.
I have fabulous legs but I’m happy enough that my ancestors left Scotland so I don’t have to wear a kilt.
Blame Beau Brummell for ruining men's fashion, he made full length trousers the only thing for men. Boring! Beau Brummell - Wikipedia
Now any woman caught in "too long" of a skirt is going to be heckled that she "looks like Brad Pitt." Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
I've seen guys in hiking kilts in the mountains. Not a choice I would make, but whatever works for them.
‘All things change, nothing is extinguished.’ - Ovid We’re on the tip of the arrow of time, hurtling towards entropy. Why sweat the small stuff? Ninety nine percent of the stuff which riles us up is small stuff. (I like the word “stuff”.)
Anything that makes Brad Pitt look worse I am all for. He should try a Barney outfit for the next premier.