WARNING: BAD LANGUAGE Some words you hear from the ralliers/marchers: "Shut up." "You're alive." "She's obviously going through a moment." "This is what they want to show on TV." "This is not the time or the place." This woman was shot at by the guy these ralliers/marchers are celebrating. The ralliers/marchers tried to shut her up and dismiss her. We have people trying to make this a racial thing. I'm sorry, I just don't understand how you can see this and think the marchers are the good guys.
“If I would have lost my life, would you guys do this for me?” “Yes, ma’am,” a lead organizer for Black Lives Matter Minnesota Trahern Crews responded to Foss-Yarbrough at the demonstration. Nobody on either side believes that.
I don't care if you are black, white, brown, red or yellow when you fire a shot at Police you sign your death warrant.
You are exactly right. Nor is it going to end well if you spray bullets into an apartment containing innocent people, including two young children. But the fact is Sundberg had plenty of opportunities to surrender peacefully and chose not to do so. Maybe he realized he was facing a long prison sentence for the crimes committed but either way, he ultimately the result was not only what he seemed to want but also what he deserved. The BLM protesters look like idiots for even making this an issue.
From reports, he had a mental illness and was in the midst of a mental health crisis. Maybe there was nothing anybody could have done to save him, but since the start of the BLM movement, we've done little to nothing to change how we police in this country. How will we know that nothing makes a difference until we actually try something different? I support the protesters who demand change.
I tend to agree with your takes more often than not but I'll disagree on this one. If these protests were a little more discriminating as to the cases and people they choose they would likely reach many more people. Sure you have your "boot licker" types that see police as infallible but the moderate more objective supporter is turned off by support of cases like this, Jacob Blake, Mike brown etc. Actions and accountability have to be a two way street. Also if the link I shared is accurate then the efforts to bring this guy in alive included identifying him, contacting him by phone, negotiating and even bringing in his family to help. I'm all about transparency and reconsidering some police methods but I don't support what's going on here at all given what is known at this time. Of course that could change with more info but it's unlikely at this time.
This kind of happened in Jacksonville where I saw a big sign and some people protesting for justice for a guy (I literally don't remember his name.) So I looked up all I could on the story and the guy did a bunch of shit and led the police on a big chase and ended up getting shot to death by the cops. And after reading all about it I sided with the cops. Not all BLM protests are created equal.
I mean in this case, as with the Jacob Blake case, there was a female victim who has been totally disregarded as well. Walter Scott, Ahmad Arbury and Philando Castille should have garnered 10 times the outrage as this guy or some others. I see protests like these and they treat them all the same. I just can't get behind that.
The movement is not named "Some Black Lives Matter." Do I think no police killing can be justified? Absolutely not. But as long as this country refuses to address our policing problem, I support the BLM movement protesting as many of these killings as they want. The "moderate" supporter who is turned off by them protesting somebody that "moderate" doesn't feel deserved to live is only demonstrating what Dr. King meant by this statement: "Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection." The point of these protests isn't just to show the injustice of those wrongfully killed. It's also to highlight the injustice of those whose deaths may have been justified under the law but we also possibly could have saved if we did things differently. It would be much easier for me to accept deaths like the one here if we were making a serious effort to do things differently and to reform a broken system. I don't expect a world where nobody dies at the hands of the police. That would be pure fantasy. But I do want a world where we make a serious effort to have less people die at the hands of the police. This young man was going through a mental health crisis. According to the articles I read, he had no criminal record or open warrants for his arrest. If we had done things differently, could we have saved his life? I don't know, but I sure wish we would try.
When white teens who have mental illness shoot up a school and get taken out why aren’t people out protesting the shooters death? It is sad if mental illness was involved but the shooter had fired numerous shots at people already so he clearly intended to kill people. I am not sure what they are protesting. This is why BLM has become a laughing stock.
Give it a rest. You are a broken record. You keep trying to shame people by saying they are against Dr King. It’s a cheap and childish tactic. Ultimately we don’t know how Dr King would have felt in such a scenario. Regardless, I don’t care, because these protests do more harm than good.
Did he intend to kill people? Because if that was truly his intention, it wouldn't have been difficult for him to do it. I don't consider BLM a "laughing stock." Indeed, I think it's sad that after everything that has happened, we still aren't getting meaningful reform in this country. But you're doing a great job of proving my point, right after I explained why they're still protesting. You're welcome to start a White Lives Matter movement to protest those deaths, if you'd like.
There were bullet holes in the next door apartment and he shot at police when they came to exit the lady. Good god you aren’t this stupid.