One more quote from the genius cited above: "You don't have to be an expert to educate a child because basically anybody can do it." But nope, there's no such de-professionalization associated with education.
How much you want to bet that this guy (who, it should be noted went to Arkansas State) has ranted about "elitists?"
Really? I guess I'm not surprised, but Hillsdale College is obviously led by a racist despot with a very limited intelligence capacity.
Conservative Hillsdale College is helping DeSantis reshape Florida education MI college tied to controversial FL teacher training | WLNS 6 News Just another iteration of the Lost Cause, except it's Christofascists instead of Confederacy fetishists this time.
I served on boards for teacher standards at the UF College of Education and they were the most professionally-run meetings I've witnessed, with minds that, TBH, were a bit intimidating in their depth of intellect. I was a young professor at the time, but those folks were crazy smart and well-organized. During my time in the classroom, I met many UF graduates who were, bar none, exceptional teachers. This nonsense about the "dumbest part of any college" is exactly that.
They need it. A lot of battles going on and a lot to come against DeSantis and his cronies. They're doing what they can to attack and undermine public education.
Can attest to how hard and exhausting it is for a non-professional to step into a classroom for a minute. I gave 12-14 presentations a year in classrooms and every time came away exhausted and wondering how in the heck do teachers do it?
Let's think about where that falls in the general list of teacher issues: High commitment level (time and emotional energy) required Low pay Concerns about high inflation (combined with low salary) Children with behavioral problems who don't want to learn Can't use the bathroom for hours at a time Poor student discipline Concern about school shootings and other violence Concerns about Covid and other health issues in a disease factory Parents with behavioral problems Office politics Don't say gay For most teachers, maybe it could compete with office politics to crack the top-10, maybe not.
Sure, but then it would not be on a general list for teachers, it would be on a specific list for gay teachers. And even then, it would not be guaranteed to cause a teacher to quit. If they forced teachers to teach students that gay people were dangerous or evil, then that would be highly offensive to gay teachers (and some non-gay teachers as well).
It is over but your kind wants to keep it alive for some reason. Look inside your heart and seriously ask yourself why. The libbie outrage over racism is so disproportionate to the actual infinitesimal amount of racism. Looks like we have another hippie on the board.
There area lot of friendly racists out there on the right and on the left. People just don’t realize it. Take the white guy who only dates Asian girls, or the woman who says she’s not a racist because she has lots of black friends. Then there’s the racists on the left who preach to black people about how oppressed black people are, and are in fact more outraged than black people over a racist act. Anyone who says that racism no longer exists is kidding themselves. As long as white people do things that gives them the power to oppress any group then racism, sexism, and homophobia exists.
I would suggest talking to some black folks and asking them whether it’s “infinitesimal”. Just because you don’t see it in your social circle doesn’t mean it’s gone.
It’s not gone. I know that. It’s just when you add up thousands of small pockets of ignorant people, you do get some bad behavior from all colors of people. This fact seems to be what some of you guys are hanging your hat on. It’s like some really enjoy the fact that there is a little bit of that left in a few corners of America.
if you look at my posting history on the subject, I am not a fan of BLM, and hate the idea that National protests emerge over individual incidents, and that the whole current environment is based on what is largely a falsehood (unarmed AAs are not killed at a substantially higher rate by cops than whites are). Ultra liberals have the exact opposite problem conservatives have, inoosted a whole back that threw tend to be off by a factor of 100 to 1000 on how many unarmed AAs are killed each year. Having said that, there are very clear societal signs that racism still exists beyond infinitesimal. Look at arrests, convictions, sentencing, home ownership, income, net worth median by race (even accounting for education), who gets pulled over, etc etc etc. all of those are quantifiable and they all show we aren’t close. There is actually a medium between “racism is all but gone” and “racism is everywhere and all whites are racist or privileged”. My point in these posts is to say that until we can have a rational non defensive fact based conversation about it on both sides, nothing is going to change. Jmo.
I do know your posting history. In fact, I’d say you are easily one of the more fair- minded libbie posters. I’ll also add that your take on the subject would do wonders for both sides….in that it would bring people together. You’ve shown light on both sides of how racism is discussed. I think if the libbie networks spent more time discussing it the way you presented it, I’d be less worried about the future. We’ll done sir.