He was/is basically a contrarian who was grounded in Rockwell/Rothbard style libertarianism (i.e. the crank-driven, anti-democratic racist gateway to fascism kind). I'm sure he cribbed his bit on monarchy from them, as he was fond of saying stuff like "there's only one monarch that can take your rights instead of a million people voting to do that." Just absurd stuff about how one person invested with absolute power was preferable to equal power decentralized between many people.
And you dont think anything has changed? I've had more bans or warnings in the last 2-3 years than my first 10 years or so posting on this forum, where I had exactly 0.
Yes I do. Due to rules being enforced and constant warnings. There are subtle ways of dissing posters that don't exactly break the rules. The topic is about posters who are not here any more. My comments are about why I think some of them are gone. No more, no less. If you disagree that’s ok.
He was so pro-police, I wonder what he would have thought of the murdering and injury of police officers on 1/6.
I think those posters are gone because they got tired of the rules being enforced against them, and decided it was because of "bias" or persecution instead of you know, violating the rules that all of us are bound by.
I think some also just burn out from here, eventually recognizing that it's akin to masturbation without the payoff. There's perhaps one or two threads posted each day with something of actual merit to be learned, and the rest is just hyper partisan BS and people trying to prove how clever they are or win arguments (I admit to being guilty of this, too). It gets boring after awhile. I pull away from this board regularly, but typically relapse after 4-6 months away.
actually, the big exodus came when the rules were changed and name-calling was not allowed.(That wasn't the only reason.) At first, you couldn't call politicians or others names. One long-time poster, the most active person on the board, was so upset when he was told he couldn't call a female politician the b-word, he didn't show up again for months. But eventually, we all agreed that not allowing a politician to be called a moron was a bit too much. So that was relaxed.
Yeah, but many of the people that burned out were also frequent rules violators. There were certain posters that sent them over the edge and brought out the worst in them, and they wisely eventually concluded that "hey maybe I should step back a minute" after a time out. And once you are away long enough, its easy not to look back. The air is fresher, the grass greener, etc.
To quote Elaine Benes to George upon learning about Festivus: “And another piece of the puzzle falls into place.
Did you pay, or peak b4 the paywall was erected? (Hey, they were pretty much Trumpers, so cant pretend to be too surprised thst they'd build a wall to keep imdesirables out...).
Anyone remember when they went on a banning binge here (deservedly), and they would announce each one and post the offensive post, so folks knew what was over the line? When you saw those posts in isolation, people just looked crazy.
It was pretty civil back then. You could never call other posters names--that was covered under insults--the name calling thing applied to politicians, and was only enforced one way. Note how many variations of orange man, grifter, Trumpanzees, whathaveyou were posted long after the so called exodus, and therefore after that rule was implemented. Imho, its a stupid rule. These douchebags seek the limelight, they're crooked af, screw us over 6 ways from Sunday....but we cant have a little fun with their names???
Here's what i think has changed--more warnings, and a wider variety of consequence--like the new thread ban, and th ban, but not SG ban. I think b4, the nuclear option was actually deployed more frequently than now. Jmho.
That's probably true. The old way was basically let things fester until there were massive purges and permabans, the moderating is a little more proactive now.
A lot of them left because they were mad that they couldn't lob insults any longer and thought that the mods were picking on them because they weren't able to converse without doing it.