Got really frustrated with too hot/gc. For a long time, I know she was extremely active on twitter, but her account (or the one she had been using) was shuttered a year or so ago.
The FBI is monitoring it. Half of them were spotted on January 6th ranting about Pelosi in front of the Capitol.
I miss CalSFGator and archergator. I don't usually like the combative threads, but CalSF had a real talent when it came to skewering someone else. I didn't necessarily like when he did it, but the sheer quality and style of his eviscerations were impressive. And archergator was one of the most level-headed posters this board has ever had. One of the few on this board that actually stayed focused on trying to understand and get more information instead of just trying to sound clever and win arguments. And Dreamliner was definitely my favorite anarchist. That dude had some far out ideas on politics and nutrition/fitness.
Some of those people have been gone like 10 years. Dreamliner has been back under other names, doing his usual brand of crypto-fascism and light holocaust denial. I dont think you can call a person who thought monarchy was the best form of government an 'anarchist.'
I think if it was more civil here towards each other some or possibly most of them would still be around. It’s been posted here about the big divide. This place is no different than out “there”. And yes, I’ve taken a few shots at posters so I’m not sitting on a high horse. I’ve also tried to tone it down a little. I’ve thought about leaving or just reading but damn I just can’t keep my mouth shut. And I learn a lot from some very informed posters here, many of whom I’m not politically aligned with. For that I’m thankful.
It used to be far less civil. Current rules don’t allow the insults and name-calling that were constant back then.
Honestly this has always been one of the more civil forums around, well moderated and chock full of very smart individuals.
If you think this is uncivil, you definitely weren't around circa 2007. And I've taken a peak at the other board where some people went to. Its definitely not the same as this place.
I don't remember any of his comments on monarchy. I remember claims that Chinese citizens had more freedom than US citizens, as well as that any government is inherently bad. In fact, he seemed to think that any organized anything was worse than a lone man reading the Bible in a remote cabin. That and his advice that walking up a steep bridge/hill was the best exercise.