You know an "R" rated movie doesn't prevent kids from seeing it, it just means a parent or guardian has to accompany them in the theater. Seems like that blows up whatever point you were trying to make.
Chy-na Ron’s gone from following radical commies to leading radical commies! Math books outrage China with 'ugly, sexually suggestive, pro-American' images
Goes both ways. China revised history books in HK recently similar to the CRT panic here. History needed to be more patriotic
Fuzzy set. An ordinary set is like a club -- you're in or you're out. With a fuzzy set, membership is a bit uncertain. Something can be both partially inside the set and partially outside. Fuzzy sets can be useful in biology and engineering in situations in which information is incomplete or imprecise. Hairy ball theorem. This theorem is about how vectors can be arrayed on the surface of a sphere. Imagine a sphere covered with fur -- with each strand of hair representing a vector. According to the hairy ball theorem, it's impossible to comb the hair without creating a cowlick somewhere on the sphere.
So wish they would quit looking for stupid shit to wade into. With that said if there is nudity then I don't think kids should be allowed. There are a whole host of places kids aren't allowed to go due to age restrictions.
I can't speak for anyone else on here, but the dress up and show is not a problem to me one bit. The show is definitely for adults only. Just like I don't think kids should have been able to see some of Richard Pryor's stuff or some Eddy Murphy's shows, I just do believe children should not not be allowed in. Make it a felony is gone to far but to try and make it age limited is very much appropriate
I don’t know exactly what goes on at the shows but I’m not a big fan of it conceptually, but good lord what has happened to anti govt republicans legislating every aspect of our lives? The is just bizarre legislation. I suspect it wouldn’t stand up a court challenge even with the current USSC. But ultimately Desantis doesn’t care because it’s more about the gesture not results.
I don’t disagree but wasn’t the purpose of the Parental Rights bill to codify that parents knew best?
Would you take your grandchildren? Be honest. After all, there just clowns aka drag queens as you described
Very good question. I think everybody who replies to this thread should honestly answer that question. My answer....Hell no!!!!
I wouldn't take my grandkid to church (way more weird dress up stuff and grooming happening there than any drag show), maybe we should make taking kids to church illegal too.
And they worry about Big Brother! They are Big Brother. Of course, if you like that kind of thing, you'll stop when they come for you.
You don't think, so you want to tell others what to do in service to some greater good? You're beginning to sound like AOC. Please tell me you're joking and are, in fact, a true conservative and would never consider such a bill.
Interesting. We have an age limit on alcohol because we don't think those below it can drink responsibly, but it's okay to own, say, an assault rifle below it?? P