Because they want to try and be better? Maybe it’s not realistic, but if you aren’t trying to improve, what is there for fans to look forward to?
A little surprising to me. Can't recall the cowbells ever being all that in round ball. A little surprised Kermit Davis still has a job. Guess he has the injury excuse and they did beat Florida this year.
New UF staff(who ever that is) needs to go after Riley Krugal out of Orlando who signed with Miss St.
Whom WOULD HAVE EVER thought, back in 2000 that UF would OWN UCLA in the NCAA tourney ??? As far as I know, UF is unbeaten against them and spoiled what - at least 4 NCAA's for the once "mighty Bruins"? Kind of a remarkable basketball fact IMO.
Yep, I've seen his name on the list for several teams. He has done a good job in new mexico and in resurrecting his career after bowling green.