This is not good... Georgia Star News Exclusive: Fulton County Election Official Admits Chain of Custody Documents Missing for 2020 Absentee Ballots Deposited in Drop Boxes - Tennessee Star
I had never heard of Georgia Star News or Tennessee Star News . So i looked them up. They are a monthly digital newspaper. The publisher was a Trump delegate in 2016. He may have chaired some Trump election/reelection committees.
And here's the truth from NPR. There are 7 out 1,500 forms missing, but the forms are gone after the count which has already been counted, recounted, and audited. No reason to throw away ballots.
Lets see, the Proud Boys have taken possession of the ballots, moved them several times, have no professional supervision and are taking ......what? weeks, months?? to announce results? They may want to pick up the pace, hell mid terms are less than 1.5 years away................
And as we've learned here recently, women like her are a drag on foreign diplomacy and don't deserve to be hired for advertisement purposes. The only meaningful trait a woman can possess is physical beauty based upon a specific set of ideals.
Fulton County has a lot of problems these days (I've lived here for decades).....but this isn't one of them. More internet fantasy, its endless on GC these days. Republicans are so upset by this story we might see another Benghazi investigation when they return to power.
Another thread fail? I just came here to read the comments roasting the OP. He never fails to provide fodder and amusement, what a benevolent poster.
Here’s the real trouble in Fulton…. Herschel thinks about running for Senator in GA. Trump supports him. I thought he lives in TX. Herschel Walker skips Georgia's GOP convention
My question is how deep Dad has to go on the internet to find this garbage. Or whether a chain email or Breitbart/gateway pundit/western journal finds it for him.