Looks like you got a lucky dog. I have to keep mine away from water as she has no concept of how tasty she would be to one of the gators that occupy the lakes around here. I'm basically out of Alaska 2020 locations that we visited. Guess I could start posting pics fro 2019 trip to Barcelona, Norway, and Ireland but not sure it would be appropriate
not all kids have been mingling. I know my son hasn't. Been doing a lot of kayaking and fishing and using phone and social media to communicate with friends
Yeah, it is not that hard to be a good parent. My youngest is still at home and he’s been mountain biking and running like he always does but just with fewer friends, and they’re pretty spaced out.
Here is your morning update. The stats from world o meter as of 8 am EDT. There were 12 states with a decrease in active cases. There were 10 states with just 1-2 deaths and 6 states with 0 deaths.
This would all be easier to deal with if we didn't have so many crazyheads. Christian Parents Call Wisconsin School District’s Face Mask Requirement ‘Satanic’
I posted this earlier. Pretty bad when this White House says you are screwing up your coronavirus response. Like Scarface telling you that you have a bad temper.
North Carolina new case trend. The trough just to the left of the red line is June 24th, the day that the governor issued a statewide face covering "request" along with re-emphasizing need for distancing, keeping gatherings small and keeping businesses like bars and gyms closed. Tough to call it a mandate when there is no ramification for not following it, and several rural county sheriffs openly promoting disobedience. Regardless, N Carolina is starting to get a handle on things......just in time for universities and schools to open. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.
Tragic Stat from CDC data (which I still question its accuracy due to political meddling). I would guess this is far worse...... US Already Had Over 200,000 Excess Deaths This Year, CDC Data Show
Cherokee County, Georgia is now up to 108 cases in their first two weeks and 1,106 are in quarantine.
Georgia being less than transparent about the severity of their problem too... Georgia keeps key virus information from public
You evidently missed the substance of what I posted in the three posts (including the timeline in post 16722) and you responded with a February 2 article from the NYT that reflects the state of public knowledge on that date. On February 2, the reporting had not revealed the IC briefing or Navarro’s January 28 memo, both of which Trump had received before the NYT article. Which is why the state of public reporting was as it was. And why the northeast’s was blindsided. That doesn’t defend Trump; it indicts him it is why New York and the northeast were blindsided like it was. You are in such a hurry to defend Trump, that you wholly missed the fact that this country was unprepared precisely because of Trump ignored multiple briefings. And you just keep ignoring how. Defenses of Xi, until he needed a boogeyman more than he needed a trade deal.
Show me anywhere where anyone on trumps team or himself knew more than what was told to the public or experts. you want to form some crazy connection to him trying to maintain a trade deal connection and coronavirus. How about the words Trump has had for him since? You want to ignore all that huh? Now that we know just how bad China hid and lied about the virus, relations with China is bad.
I posted the links. Repeatedly. Not crazy their. Links From multiple reporting sources. The link as to the trade deal was from Foreign Policy. Which is conservative. It’s analysis. No offense, but don’t ignore the links I posted and then demand links. Here are the links again. The first quote has the links. The second post contains the quotes from the links. And the timeline just above identifies the date of Navarro’s memo. In late January. I don’t care what Trump has said about China. The article from Foreign Policy traces his statements for months. He needs a boogeyman on the virus now more than he needs a trade deal. And, as your posting reflects. It works. Trump ignored intelligence. And lied to the country all the way through the end of February. Tom bad what you call crazy is what happened. But, that is the Trump way.
Again what in the world does Trump praising Xi have to do with what Trump and his staff knew about virus?? Man he could have kissed his ass, it still would mean nothing about our intelligence on the virus. Trump has tried to keep Xi close for years now. It’s how a good business man works when he wants to workout a deal. You may not agree with that tactic and that’s a valid opinion. But all that means jack to our intelligence on the virus!
You again missed the point. You evidently didn’t read the part of the links (in particular, the Foreign Policy story) which referenced Trump’s praise of Xi’s handling of the virus after being advised between January and April that China lied about the virus. So, if you are going to ignore the links and facts, as you repeatedly do, there really is no discussion. So, please don’t ask me again to post what I have posted multiple times. And by saying that praising Xi’s handling of the virus because it was good business, you make my point for me. Trump lied. He didn’t protect the country from the virus. And he isn’t a good businessman.