Looks like the toilet-lickers may have some serious competition in the race to be the dumbest Americans supporting coronavirus transmission. A woman in Los Angeles went into a store pretending to be with a government agency (the Freedom to Breathe Agency, or FTBA), and threatened to have a clerk arrested and imprisoned for 3-5 years for asking her to wear a mask. You don't see too many government agents showing off their tats with a tank top. A woman claiming to be from the 'Freedom To Breathe Agency' filmed telling a grocery employee that she could face legal action for making people wear face masks
Further proof that some people have way too much time on their hands. She could be out raising funds to build a wall or something.
Remarkably well-sourced, they put a lot of extra effort into this one. It's a long read and only two paragraphs don't have citations. How Trump Killed Tens of Thousands of Americans
Actually, they have little chance of getting the flu now because it is not flu season. And, there are more flus than COVID, which is one disease. But. We don’t know what will make the rounds this season. And, finally, the idea that kids don’t spread the virus is idiotic. They will be another myth that will be dispelled and the goal posts will just move again.
Was it a day school or an overnight school? Many religious schools (called Yeshivas) in Israel are live in schools.
And, as far as the weight of studies on kids getting and transmitting the disease, from that bastion of liberalism, the Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal: Latest Research Points to Children Carrying, Transmitting Coronavirus
Not much different than flu. Any given year there are thousands of kids who suffer lasting affects from the flu. Something to keep an eye on as we enter the flu season. This is the best year to get the flu shot if I were you. It has been proven you can both at the same time.
25 teachers and 150 kids at that school. And the story adds that this resulted in spread among their families and the community. Link says that the school spread created the second wave in Israel.
remember this? covid is the same as the common cold was your claim then flu certainly doesn't impact anybody months later, nor does it cause permanent kidney damage, or strokes in healthy people, or.... still haven't learned anything it seems. I suspect your post today will age as well as your post above
"Months after suspected Covid?" CNN is just terrible journalism. I don't even think it's a bias sometimes. They just suck. Thousands of kids have had Covid. Can we not get some kids who we KNOW have actually had the virus? What are they experiencing? Why are we only using kids we * think * had Covid. It's piss poor journalism.
I hope you realize lingering symptoms is nothing special to covid-19? Post-Viral Fatigue: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Recovery Tim Due to insane coverage of covid-19, it’s as if people forget we have other illnesses that have very similar symptoms and issues. I posted a video last night that explains why about 40% of any given population is asymptomatic to covid-19. You might be shocked to find out it because many of us fight of a yearly cold which sometimes the common cold is a coronavirus. T cells remember it and than have our B cells active antibodies again. By the way, the video had a good part about mask. Something good to show anyone who is still anti mask.
Just learned from a friend that another friend of his passed away due to covid contraced at a funeral. His son got it at the funeral as well and was deathly sick but made it. This was in north west FL.
I would assume because “months ago” we weren’t testing asymptomatic children. Many likely had it months ago as well, but we didn’t have the tests available to those without symptoms and we accepted the narrative that kids weren’t getting it. Now that we’re testing them and know that to be false it’s fair to assume kids with odd ailments consistent with Covid positive adults probably had it as well. this is just me offering a possible explanation, not saying it’s right or wrong.
Sad. Another needless death and more needless suffering. I understand going to a funeral. I dont understand not masking up and staying distant
My wife has an acquaintance that just passed away from cancer. She is not going to the funural because of her concern about covid.