Never said you were rooting for it. But that's the estimated number if we reopened things up completely. You can still be rooting against the number but still think that's an acceptable body count. I'm neither rooting for it nor do I think it's an acceptable number. You are accusing me of something I didn't say because you don't think it's an acceptable number either. But instead of owning the number, you look to divert by accusing me of you wishing this number will come to pass. You don't have to like something or root for it to own it.
I explained myself and the reasoning. You never answered anything I posed. Like what happens when kids are stuck at home and isolated. There won’t be uncontrollable deaths from opening schools. Most of the country should open up. But you keep thinking I’m rooting for more deaths if that makes you feel good about yourself. Sounds like you are ok with more abuse of kids since that what will happen with more kids being home instead of at school. See how that sounds?
I did answer your question. Get the community involved to find better answers where kids can better socially distance like the closed gyms in Arizona. Apparently, you skipped that part. We know kids get the disease. The number of cases in Israel going from 50 a day in the entire country to 2000 a day a month later after schools reopened strongly suggests opening schools leads to community spread of COVID-19. And when there are more cases, there will be more deaths that follow. If nothing changes, to reach herd immunity, that will equate to around 550,000 dead. Is this acceptable to anyone? I'm not happy about the more abuse, and we can find ways to address it. That's a more solvable problem than the uncontrolled spread of COVID-19. I know we can make distance learning successful, and find ways to solve the other problems that trying to keep everyone home as much as possible. What we currently can't solve? COVID-19.
So the solution is stay home until a vaccine. That’s a great plan. We will be a bankrupt country and 60+ million will be out of work. Sounds fun.
Stay home as much as possible. Keep schools closed until the community meets CDC Level II guidelines. Then test vigorously with aggressive contact tracing. Economies recover. Kids will catch up at school. The dead? They are gone and buried forever. Those who catch COVID-19 and recover? Could have long lasting, negative effects for life, like the the 50% in NY that needed dialysis and may need a kidney transplant in the future. We shut down for about 3 months, flattened the curve, got antsy, reopened too soon and cases ballooned. Deaths followed. Now we want to make the same mistakes again?
Y'all are fighting the wrong battle. Infectious, not infected. It doesn't matter who has it. It only matters who can spread it. We're getting lost in big numbers and accusations, when the solution is not to keep everyone home, but to make it easy to identify who can spread it and have them stay home. Cheap fast, crappy testing is the way out. 30 billion for 90 days worth of testing for every American. Call your congressman and senators. Write to Bezos and Soros and the Kochs and Gates. This is what we need to move on, and the faster the better.
I was for years, but not anymore. Sorry restaurants. My grill is way better than yours. And way way cheaper.
Tell that to the 40+ million that don’t have money or a job right now. Sounds like you don’t give a crap about that. Keeping shut down will cost millions more jobs which will over time cost more lives than Covid will most likely. The rates of suicide, depression and death are much higher during a depression, which we will go into if this goes on for another year. And the children who will be having issues for years because of this will be very hard to quantify.
So no rooting, just a hard number. We're already at 160,000. What's an acceptable COVID-19 body count to get past this pandemic if we open back up?
I don’t have one. We should do things to mitigate spread and keep socially distancing and wearing masks. But we should also have kids who want to attend school attend. Since you are so against anything that raises Covid spread, I assume you’ve been vigorously ripping protestors for not social distancing from each other also...
The protesters not wearing masks are stupid. They are the reason I didn't join a local protest in my town. We have to admit we're not in control. The virus is. Anything we do that brings people together will promote the spread of COVID-19. So the best option is try and keep distance as much as humanly possible. And you don't think there will need long term, psychological consequences if we reopen schools and a teacher dies? What about parents? Statistically, reopen schools too soon and this is a guarantee. Do we really want yearbooks with a remembrance section for all that passed because of COVID-19?
more Denali critters. this bear was huffing, it is one way they scent out prey like the marmot beneath him. Every 30' or so the grizzly would stop and repeat this behavior. we moved on before he/she attempted a kill on whatever was being hunted. The hoary marmot is the primary protein source for most of the predators in Denali that turns vegetation into protein. Some big rabbits up there but a lot more marmots.
A NY Times editorial by a UF prof on vaccines. She got her AM and PHD from Harvard, and is being published in the times. So beyond the info itself, more evidence of UF’s rising place in academia. Opinion | I’d Need Evidence Before I’d Get a Covid-19 Vaccine. It Doesn’t Exist Yet.
Is this what you're talking about?
Yeah. I heard this: TWiV 640: Test often, fast turnaround, with Michael Mina | This Week in Virology in late july. Then Malcolm Gladwell endorsed the idea, and I've started talking about whenever I can -- i know, to the point of overuse -- because I really do think it's the only reasonable answer. Test often, test fast, test cheap. Don't wait for private industry to do it -- have the government -- which already knows how to print things -- start printing the tests. The treasury alone makes 25 million bills a day -- we can find a way to do this quickly. Then have them at post offices. Schools, anywhere you can think to make them. Make them free to the public. You go to an event where there's a crowd? Set up a testing line. Wait 15 minutes and you're clear or you're not. It won't be perfect, but this isn't a time for perfect.
Actually, these rapid antigen tests that I have been posting about in the "treatment and cures" thread are actually far closer to perfect than even some experts like to admit. They are the key to returning people to work, kids to school and some limited social activity. IT is stunning that Operation Dork-Waste would not consider putting funding towards these products what-so-ever. Even the Surgeon General has begged the government to dump money into these. The Rockefeller Foundation months ago recognized this and put together their own team of experts in a WarpSpeed type funding and collaboration effort. The Rockefeller Foundation is subsidizing the production of these test fits and are working with N Carolina and 6 other states (Maryland taking the lead) to deploy large numbers of these test at the state level. Tens of Millions more are needed in every state and on a monthly basis.
Please find in his post where he said to stay at home until there is a vaccine. Your premise is wrong because you are arguing against something he never said.
You have to have cases at a sufficiently low level to make this work. Too many cases and you can’t trace and quarantine.