Uummm, don't think that'll work for me; if I wake up and take a test, and it's positive, I probably don't get a 2nd test... it'll be ICU time for me. Too compromised to do any carrying on of normal life.
This will make you a beleiver: TWiV 640: Test often, fast turnaround, with Michael Mina | This Week in Virology
More schools open, more cases being spread around the schools. And more examples of kids not wearing masks properly, or not wearing them at all. It's just mathematical certainty, that areas that are hot spots will have infected students and/or teachers. And the virus will spread around the school. Masks will slow the spread, but they aren't 100% effective, especially if not everyone is wearing them correctly. Even still, the virus can spread during lunch, when kids eat, which is very hard to do with a mask on covering your mouth. More and more evidence to keep schools closed until we get a better handle on this insidious virus.
You know multiple people who left the US permanently when Trump took office? I’d like to hear some details on why and where. They must have had it really rough here.
Not necessarily. We've all been told you can be asymptomatic -- appear perfectly well -- and still be able to spread. You might have it and have no effects. Not everyone who catches it gets sick, but they can still spread it.
Hide what? Spit it out. We are a melting pot of 375,000,000 people. That has it’s obstacles. What are you insinuating?
Nope all retirees with good retirements that say they saw something like this coming with this guy. “He may own the LIBS but he will destroy a democracy in the process.” Trump may be the first Republican to lose the military vote.
Such shaky ground that the district won't let it get to court, they will call up the parents, ask them what they want, and then give it to them. The process is documented, the principal violated the process. End of case.
SCOTUS decided this in 1969 as a free speech issue. In a public school the principal does not have the authority to override the county discipline policy. Edit to be more clear.
10-4. I thought it was a school policy. Thanks for the clarification. Seems pretty cut and dry if the story is complete and accurate.
Where did they all move too? I can’t imagine making so many connections in life in the US and then leaving family and friends behind to retire in another country. Especially one as diverse and incredible as the USA. Racking my brain where I’d rather live and I can’t come up with one. I’m fairly well traveled. No offense but they’ll look pretty ridiculous if Biden wins in November and democracy is miraculously still intact.
Edmonton, Toronto , Vancouver in Canada And the other three Thailand. You ever heard of Alexa or zoom? Man, as soon as I’m done working I’ll be damned if going to sit and rot in America. I’m a finish my bucket list of places and I get bed waiting on me at thier houses when I visit.
10-4. I thought they moved from the US for fear of a crumbling democracy. Maybe they even would have moved if Hillary won.... Anyway, I plan on doing that too when I retire. Airplanes fly all over.
Not as soon to be honest. Most of these are day traders at this point watching the markets like hawks.
Whatever else he has done or has not done during the pandemic, I applaud loudly Gov Cooper. He and the other 6 governors simply "get it". This is but a fraction of what we need, but this is a great first step. We can absolutely test ourselves back to a closer to normal economy. Think about lines to get into bars, gyms, and everything else that is closed. You wait your turn and get admitted if you can take a rapid test and get a negative result knowing that the thresholds for sensitivity on these tests is still at least an order of magnitude better than what is needed to weed out people who are both infected and shedding virus. You get restore bars, gyms, schools, offices, court houses, etc.....with peace of mind that no one around you is spreading virus. I do not understand for one second why the president, Secretary Azar and the entire rest of the federal bobble heads are not all over this. THIS is what THEY have wanted, a way to get the economy rolling again. https://www.newsobserver.com/news/coronavirus/article244737857.html
I know the chances are minute, but this is brutal. 7 years old, no chronic conditions. Georgia child, 7, dies of coronavirus as state’s death toll surpasses 4,000
Gonna be the third time in 4 days that we are down from last week. Probably hit our peak...for now...again...
True that we really don't know the verity of these claims. There are, however, large populations that have mitigated this virus to extents we can't comprehend in the U.S. Look at Taiwan, with a population of 23 million being just 80+ miles from mainland China. They have been sitting around 450ish cases for months now. Still sitting at 7 deaths. Even if their numbers were inaccurate at a magnitude of 10, they would be at 4500 cases and 70 deaths. Compare that with Florida, with half a million (!) cases and nearly 8,000 deaths. Similar populations and Florida has a thousand Xs the number of deaths as Taiwan. Why is that? How is it? Can can it be that Minnesota is getting the total number of Taiwan's cases on a daily basis? Here's how: Our nation failed and folded from the beginning and from the top down on this thing.