Im not trying to attack you, louisville. It’s just that you were ridiculing other posters for one-sided posting. If we were to go back though all your comments on Trump, what do you think would be the ratio of complimentary to critical of him? It wouldn’t be 50/50.
I've disagreed with Trump here plenty of times. I can't think of an example off the top of my head, but I have. Believe me.
AS OF 1 45pm 960 of the 1370 deaths are in ny/nj, i have already said there is a lost cause, need to really look at the other 48 states and their numbers, and i hate to admit it, but california is really doing well.
Is this a record for longest thread in GC history? Just ask'n... (I don't recall any having gone this far, fwiw. Not even 'the Thread').
as of 1400 today, ny/ny has accounted for 47% of all cases and 53% of all deaths, again watching the other 48 states is paramount to seeing what is working.
I think the Chip Kelly thread went 1,000+ pages over about a quarter of the length time. Turns out the thread was more prolific than his offenses at UCLA have been.
Chris Cuomo tells us beating the Covid-19 virus comes down to self-will and determination. Nope, I’m pretty sure that’s not it. You had good doctors and you aren’t 70. That helped you a lot.
Not even close for GC overall. That one was in Swamp Gas I believe. I don't know what the record is on TH.
I don't mean this in as partisan, but his shamelessness is breathtaking. But I'll give him this, I've heard from someone who knows him (a producer who works at Fox) that he is a genuinely nice guy behind the scenes. Not the case for others.
I can't recall the last time I watched the news on TV. I get my news by browsing through different sites.
New model lowers projections Adjusted coronavirus model predicts fewer people in US will need hospitals, but 82,000 will still die by August - CNN