And HRC got much lower than Obama. Trump got lower than Romney in aggregate. Not sure about specific states or what any of this means to midterms.
I was keeping an open mind, yes. That doesn't mean I didn't immediately see a striking visual similarity to Emperor Palpatine.
Wow, sounds so open...of course, we already blew this up with the speed at which you called her a liar (before claiming that you found her credible until you read more), so we already knew that you were less than truthful. Just pointing it out again. Please continue.
I'm saying the truth of her story has nothing to do wether she liked to have an occasional threesome. A threesome is not sexual assault, much less rape, any more than any other type of consensual sex is. Who in their right mind would think the two have anything to do with each other
She's not aging particularly well, but that's pretty rough. Probably not her best photo op moment either. He kinda looks like he's fighting back a prairie dog.
You all on the left can believe whatever you want to believe at this point. With your predictable and consistent moving of the goal posts, you have given Trump or Republicans absolutely no reason to humor or work with you. Your "preachiness," self-righteousness, and grand-standing isn't working anymore. You've become the very thing that you frequently hate the right of being, except evangelicals aren't nearly representative of the entire right-wing. Nearly every leftist in the Senate Judiciary Committee, on this board, and countless on social media have taken this opportunity to guilt Republicans into not voting for Kavanaugh or into delaying the vote. If you're just going to resort to calling everyone supporting the Kavanaugh nomination a bad person, you're more than welcome... but don't be shocked when level-headed people stop taking you seriously... Cheers, Fellas!
wrong about all witnesses named by Ford...Tim Gaudette whose home the alleged assault took place has NOT been interviewed strangely enough...remember " Timies house for Skies "
I've heard FBI investigations that aren't criminal-related... don't have subpoena power, unlike the Senate Judiciary committee.... So there's nothing that would officially compel Ford or Kavanaugh to testify to the FBI... Frankly, based on the BS Kavanaugh is getting for allegedly lying under oath... I wouldn't hold it against him for not wanting to testify, again, under oath... He doesn't owe you anything...
I guess I missed it, but who has called you or any other Pub a "bad person" for still supporting the Kavanaugh nomination? On the flip side... exactly how level headed is it to give a guy unwavering support for a Supreme Court seat, when he repeatedly lied in his confirmation hearing, allegedly lied in his prior confirmation hearings (multiple accusations of that), and went of on a wildly paranoid partisan rant during his hearing? Is that really the type of clear, level headed thinking we need in this country?