Funny, but you know the school as a whole is in trouble if we fire the president over not getting the right HBC.
Everyone should stop expecting anything out of the presser. If SS is there, you will probably here more of what you heard from him last night at the airport.
The reality is that if CK is holding off to speak to UCLA then he’s going to hold off until after this weekends games to see what else really becomes available.
That is not what I am saying. By close the deal, I literally mean close the deal with pen and paper - not persuade. The president comes to sign documents in situations like this. By the time the president is involved, it is a formality. If they brought the president to persuade, then their approach is not the norm. That is what I'm saying. I am also not saying that they inked the deal. Specifically, what I am saying is that if you flew the president to NH, the purpose of that trip was to sign documents. If documents were not signed last night, it was not a positive scenario.
These forums are not a secret. I am sure he knew there would be people there when he arrived. Now, he might not have known until mid flight, but I am guessing he knew...
Theoretical legislative changes aren't going to change a thought process unless the money is the only issue. CK's not exactly hurting for economic resources at the moment, and apparently said at some point that "fit" was far more important than the dollars.
and if you read anything into facial expressions, body language....I don't think SS reaction to Buddy was positive.
Unless we throw an expiration on the offer to get him to sign. There won’t be a better job open and if the offer is strong enough it’s not unreasonable to ask for a quick decision. Remember this is limiting our ability to pursue other options as well.
Got bored and googled the CJ1 since someone a couple pages ago mentioned its seating. 6 people went to NH and 6 people came back. All the links I found said CJ1 sits 6. One showed only 6, one showed a max of 7, one showed a max of 8. So Chip couldn't have fit on the plane because of no extra seat or he puts the plane over weight standards. Not sure I learned anything here lol