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New Profile Posts

  1. ovillegator
    ovillegator aprutledge
    Am I the first? ;-)
  2. tampagtr
    "We're the Rays. We work in mysterious ways."
  3. Gator515151
  4. havengator
    “A pig gets fat and a hog gets slaughtered.”
  5. ufjulzz
    ufjulzz Bayportgator
    Do you still have your KY tickets?
  6. ovillegator
    "I pledge allegiance to Coach Billy Napier..."
  7. macbgator
  8. illuminatus
  9. gatorwin
    gatorwin panamacitygator
    My Ala tickets have been sold. Thanks for all your work !!! gatorwin
  10. HallGator
    Grand Poopah of the Alfred E. Neuman Club
  11. illuminatus
  12. Wanne15
    150# bigeye, was good groceries
  13. thatguy
    thatguy Wanne15
    that's like 50,000 in sushi isn't it
  14. RattlerGator
    RattlerGator RayGator
    Ray, how are you my man !?!
    1. RayGator
      Joel, just having pain and problems at times. 3 medical issues going on.
      Sep 3, 2021
  15. Gatorrick22
    Gatorrick22 tommyvee
    Love your avatar too, Tommyvee.
    1. tommyvee likes this.
  16. gator95
    Pro-Vax Anti-Mask